Anglican abuse shame


The Anglican Church says it’s ashamed that between 1980 and 2015 there were 1,082 complaints of child sexual abuse, with at least one complaint reported in 22 of the Church’s 23 dioceses.


36 thoughts on “Anglican abuse shame

  1. Just beause I support retarded and demented presidents with personality disorders, doesn’t mean I don’t have brain damage myself.

    Insane in the membrane.


  2. “Just coming to light are two emails written by former staffers for the hard-left Mother Jones magazine, who allege that Washington bureau chief David Corn inappropriately touched female employees and made jokes about rape and “women’s sexuality and anatomy”

    What???? Mother Jones???
    Another liberal mag loved by lefty Anglican priests?? But .. but…. they were promoting the pussy hat match. They’re feminists!
    What’s going on ???

    All these Hollywood and left wing media types who attacked conservatives for years taking about sexism, glass ceilings, misogyny ….

    Truth is coming out.

    Liberal hypocrites aren’t interested in protecting children or promoting women.
    They just hate conservatives and want to sound cool.
    the love trumps hate crowd have no love at all.

    Everyday the left just keeps looking worse.

    But … no stories and tut tutting from Greg about Martin Luther King and his women.
    If it were a Hillsonger he’d be right on it, bellowing with self-righteous anti-evangelical hate.
    …………… silence ……….

    Look here’s some advice for Anglican priests at their next “Why is our church disappearing” seminar.
    Out down the tea and pikelets and look in the mirror.

    It’s the guys driving.

    No amount of Trump bashing and wearing of silly pointed hats will turn around the bleeding!


  3. When you study the history, from its beginnings until now, the Anglican Church could possibly be the most hypocritical institution to ever exist.

    Real question is how long will it continue.
    The only hope seems to be in Africa.
    The Australian branch seems to be collapsing under the weight of child sex abuse, homosexuality, and a priesthood that knows neither God nor the Bible.


  4. Here’s the whole problem with the sinking irrelevant cesspit that is also known as the Anglican Church. You know the church started by the beheading lascivious fat Henry.

    The leadership.

    Look at the priests.

    They don’t know their bibles, and are theologically confused if not completely ignorant.
    (Okay not all of them)

    But the one thing they are sure of?
    The one thing they are happy to share?
    Their opinions on American politics.

    But here’s the problem. They get their information from late night comedians and left-wing journalists …. so …. it’s natural that they are left-wing Trump haters.

    There are even Aussie priests who delight in airing their knowledge. And yet they’ve never heard of Ann Coulter. Which means …they really don’t watch much American TV or missed the episodes when a comedian ridiculed her.

    But they can be excused. The main channels are extraordinarily biased.
    Take the huge news about the book written by Donna Brazile! Now …. do I need to explain who she is ? Lol


    Okay, the woman who gave Hillary the criminal the questions for the CNN debate against Trump.

    Now she’s telling the inside story of the DNC and how Hillary the hypocrite rigged the election.

    Nothing about this on the three major networks in the US.
    Incredible huh?

    No. Because it’s extremely damaging to the Democratic Party . And it distracts them from spoonfeeding gullible Anglican priests who need something to preach to their congregations of geriatrics who are tired of hearing about homosexuality and Uluru.

    Sex abuse, sex abuse coverups, militant pushing of homosexual agenda, priests who fiend more time reading Huffington Post than the Gospels.

    The sad ending of a church that had a sad beginning.

    I guess the only thing to do is for confused anti-conservatives to jump on the payroll and hope the Anglican Church survives until they can secure a discounted place in an Anglican retirement home.

    Hey this is a good thread.

    Almost as good as the Islam one.


  5. Anglicans….

    “Singh said the handling of the payment by the Anglican church “smacks of arrogance” and treated the survivor “with disdain”.

    “I’ve been involved in scores of claims involving the Anglican church, and a leopard never changes its spots,” he said.

    Yep. Arrogance! Treating people with disdain!
    Won’t bother posting the whole thing, but it was yet another abuse case where the victim got a settlement . The super rich Anglican Church with all its buildings, investments, and puffed up priestly payroll was supposed to pay out 1.5 million and didn’t.
    They said someone forgot…

    Anglicans!! Can they change their spots?
    Started by a fat arrogant man.

    You know they killed and tortured too.

    Maybe they should go and apologize to the Anabaptists, and everyone else they persecuted.

    Maybe we need an Anglicanchurchwatch site.
    Or Signpostsforexanglicans. Wonder how many years of articles there’d be.,

    Is there any hope for Anglicanism . All it seems they have left are historic buildings and priests more interested in attacking Trump than feeding the flock.


  6. Lol
    That’s funny!

    Until you read about all the Anglican clergy/employee child sex abuse cases.

    They needed watching.

    Hopefully they won’t from now on.

    Except for bad theology, obesity and funny hairstyles .

    And to see if they ever change the pointy hat fashion.


  7. Anglican Priests in Australia breathe a sigh of relief as attention goes to Harvey Weinstein.

    The guy about which Michelle Obama said

    “He is a wonderful human being, a good friend and just a powerhouse.”

    The Obamas have had a long relationship with Weinstein: he donated thousands to the former president’s campaigns and visited the White House more than a dozen times, according to visitor records. The Obamas’ daughter, Malia, interned for Weinstein.


  8. Hey Priest,
    Do you think you could get your Calvinist friends to add a section for Anglicanchurchwatch?

    More news from the Anglicans…

    “An Anglican church in London has apologized for allowing a Turkish fashion designer to use its altar as a runway for models who donned outfits with demonic symbolism, including inverted crosses and devil horns, for what was publicized as a satanic fashion show.”

    Well at least they apologized. Some Anglicans I know would just complain that they didn’t have enough representation of the LGBTQI community.

    Surely homosexuals have the right to dress up as demons in the Anglican Church too!

    That’s pure homophobia!!

    Where’s the love?

    So, who is going to start Anglicanchurchwatch?


  9. News from Father Gregorita’s cousins over in the Espiscopalian church in America.

    Anglicanism – the dying ship….

    “The Episcopal Church in the U.S. lost nearly 35,000 members last year, according to figures released this week by the denomination which has been on a decline for about a decade.
    The number of active members of TEC decreased by 34,179 in 2016, according to the statistics released. In 2015, the denomination lost 37,669 members. The average Sunday worship attendance also decreased by 9,327 last year.

    “The 2016 data reflects a continuation of recent trends, although rates of decline in such key figures as Average Sunday Attendance have decreased,” Canon Michael Barlowe, executive officer of TEC’s general convention, says in the
    Over the last 10 years, the average Sunday attendance has fallen by a quarter, leading to the closing down of 37 parishes in the last year. TEC now has 6,473 congregations across the country.

    One factor in the decline was the liberal theological direction of the denomination, including its growing acceptance of homosexuality and gay marriage. In 2003, when it appointed its first openly gay bishop, the Rev. Gene Robinson, scores of congregations left the denomination.”

    Rotfl you don’t say??

    Come ye out from among them!!!

    Oh- they forgot to mention the rampant incidence of diabolical child sex abuse.

    King Henry … and his wives would be rolling over in their graves.



  10. 22 out of the 23 diocese??

    Man wherever Anglicans go there is abuse.

    From King Henry till now, think of all the suffering.

    Somebody should make a website dedicated just to the Anglican Church.

    What would you call it?

    Anglicans – Showing the way for Group Sects

    What a terrible organization. It’s not only Australia either. Back in England, the abuse was terrible too.
    Maybe the screening for new priests is a problem?
    Or are people attracted to this church somehow inspired by its murderous founder?

    I am convinced there is even more horrible abuse that has taken place that hasn’t come to the surface.

    And I’m convinced that it’s being going in for generations and is a big part of the reason why people have been leaving for years.

    Many question whether it’s even worth salvaging.

    Anyone interested in running a separate Anglicanchurchwatch site?


  11. You’ ve both posted on the wrong thread – this is the Anglican Abuse thread – not the Margaret Court thread – I agree with you Q, I dislike boycotts – it’s petulant and not at all what Christ would have us do in his name – so it would seem you also think she’s a hypocrite – well done.


  12. I really dislike these boycotts. Both from the left and the right. The people hurt are the employees and their families.

    Wazza, I wonder if Margot and the church watchers will refuse to go to Perth or the Margaret Court Arena until she stops teaching.
    Though Margot sure teaches a lot and is the leader of the pack over there.
    But she’s the one with the money.


  13. She claims authority for what she teaches based on a literal reading of the Bible – the same bible that says “I do not permit a woman to teach”!!!!


  14. YOu’ve over simplified.

    She’s not just speaking as a high profile person and neither is the homosexual.

    She’s objecting to him becoming CEO then speaking for Qantas, an airline she’s had a lot to do with.
    THere’s nothing wrong with a minister of religion speaking about matters of theology or morality.

    There’d be nothing wrong with you doing that either after you become a priest.


  15. I ought to be ashamed to be a Newcastle Anglican, given the disgusting crimes against children which have been brought to light by the work of the Royal Commission. However, I am actually proud. I am proud that our Bishop and his team of senior clergy and lay leaders were prepared to lead us staunchly into facing our past and as we built a safer, stronger future.

    I am disgusted by the hypocrisy of the men who used the same hands that consecrated the sacraments to commit the most heinous crimes against children. Children they sought out becuse of their isolation and weakness. Children who looked to them as father figures, but who received nothing but pain and horror from them. I am disgusted at the leadership in our diocese over the years which protected the abusers and made life impossible for the abused and those who sought to bring light into darkness.

    I am proud to be not only a member of the Anglican Church and the diocese of Newcastle, but I am also proud that in 4 weeks I will stand/kneel before our Bishop who will lay actual holy hands on me to ordain me as a Deacon in the church of God…and then, God (and the Bishop) willing, on December 9 I will be made a priest.

    Why am I proud? Because we have not and will not attempt to hide or cover our shame, we have and will continue to face it…and that is a healthy thing.


  16. Margaret Court claiming it is wrong for Alan Joyce to promote same sex marriage through Qantas, while she uses her profile to argue against it is hypocritical and is what I am referring to.


  17. Funny. I was expecting an “hypocrite ” rant here by Greg .


    Don’t really get this.

    Trying to understand the workings of this man’s mind….

    Spends post after post defending Muslims.

    Attacks Trump with a passion.,
    JUmps on the liberal bandwagon to go after Margaret. Hypocrite! He says.

    This article on the dwindling old stodgy church of geriatrics whose only relevance is the huge number of child sexual abuse cases …,

    And not a peep?

    All quiet on the western Anglican front.

    Margaret has more integrity and courage in the end of her toenail she clipped off than some the insipid feminine liberal men who frequent the anti-Christian hate sites.



  18. Melly…..
    I know you’re really a man. You just need to stop dressing up like a lady.
    I know everyone else here thinks that perfectly normal, but, lose the dress man.


  19. Yes. Loved by every red-blooded woman who meets me.

    Good to see you back. Every now and then your comments make sense.


  20. Lionfish is strangely silent.
    Go after Hillsong as long as you want. But look at the Anglican Church. Such debauchery never seen since Old Henry.
    Why anyone would have anything to do with a church that began in sexual excess and sin and now seems to be ending in sex abuse and theological confusion is beyond me.

    I won’t hold my breath waiting for Greg and Lionfish to start a blog highlighting the sin and corruption of the Anglican Church.

    Probably no use / just let it die a slow death?

    But right now I need to apologize to Bones, Wazza, Greg and any alphabet people.

    I got that alphabet thing wrong – I’m forgetting the “plus”

    “decided that the term “Bi” (short for bisexual) is insufficiently inclusive, and are campaigning to have it replaced with “Bi+”.

    They argue that the term, which traditionally refers to those attracted to both men and women, is incompatible with the huge array of available gender identities.

    Delegates at an LGBT+ conference in London this month were told that the Bi label needed to expand to properly include those who are – for example – polysexual, pan-sexual or omni-romantic.”

    What about G-? Not quite gay….?

    One day when they’ve used up all the letters of the alphabet with plus and minus permutations – mankind will evolve to where there’s just normal people. Men and women who like each other.

    Won’t be anymore hypocritical Anglicans either probably. They will either have all been arrested or died of old age listening to Greg the Vicar’s didgeridoo and the Explorer’s elementary school level lame rhyme jokes.

    Liked by 1 person

  21. Funny how no politician or tv pundit doesn’t say “Just remember Christianity is a religion of love and peace” and “a great religion” and let’s remember that “the majority are peaceful” and that this ISNT Christianity.


  22. Probably after machine gunning of teachers, or gays, or Uncles.

    But I understand your sentiment.
    Glad I ain’t Anglican.


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