58 thoughts on “Spot the hazard

  1. Nobody would want a Russian spy or any of the ignorant socialists on this site to urinate on them anyway.
    If you wish Trump dead, you’re a truly evil person.
    But, your mother and the evil doctor present at your birth already knew that.


  2. Explorer,
    No I’m not proud to be associated with QANON. I had to look it up. I don’t believe in it.
    It’s just dumb- like the weirdos who say Trump is a Russian spy.


  3. Explorer,Talking Dead and Donald,

    Wow, you guys read more than I thought. Impressed.

    Yeah – Q is suddenly a pretty interesting name. Maybe its a spiritual thing….
    I guess I need a new name, but I chose the name first.

    Unless of course I am actually Q. In which case you should be honored that you had the chance to engage directly with me.


  4. What is #Qanon all about? You have started a Trump support movement, Q.

    “We are all Q” – the Talking Dead.


  5. Over the last few days several villages in Nigeria were wiped out / hundreds of Christians killed.
    Won’t register here – because Doolalley and Explorer are too worried about Melania Trump’s T-shirts, and the Right Reverend Gregorious Colbius is at a seminar trying to learn how weave Buddhism and Islam into next Sunday’s liturgy for the old age pensioners who still attend Anglican churches – probably because their grandfathers donated the chairs in the 1800’s.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Donnie, stop impersonating Q and saying silly things. You’re a very naughty boy.


  7. Good Gawd,
    They’re finally getting it over there.

    Imam just got arrested for inciting Muslims to kill Jews over in Europe.


  8. Did you hear the news? Another acid attack in London.
    What can we do? I know, come on Donald Doollalley , gets organize a protest against Trump!
    Do you still have that balloon? Our wonderful Muslim mayor might join us in attacking Trump again because … because …. eh … you know, we hate Trump!
    And if we don’t stop him now the US economy will get even better and everyone will realize they were complete morons to vote for Hillary!


  9. Too much reading there Greg. But I did read the last two articles.
    Re the Spiegel one, I have no strong opinions on immigration That is up to each country to decide.
    Re the last, similarities of magazine covers doesn’t affect my opinions. You could make all kinds of assertions based on pictures.

    Talk to people who live in areas with high Migrant refugee populations. Europe is clearly letting in too many young Muslim men.
    I’m sure you can find an article written by a left-wing journalist to defend even unlimited Islamic migration.
    But the same journalist won’t exercise his free speech to lampoon Muslims or Islam in a Muslim enclave. He would feel okay saying anything outside a Catholic Church, but he wont offend Muslims. Its typical liberal cowardly hypocrisy.

    And they don’t live with migrants either.


  10. https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2017/06/what-right-wing-populist-movements-share-blaming-immigrants/532023/

    What Right-Wing Populist Movements Share: Blaming Immigrants
    Fareed Zakaria argues that the core of Donald Trump’s message in 2016 was, “your life sucks—it’s because of Mexicans, Chinese people, and Muslims.”


    What Is the Truth about Crime and Immigration in Sweden?

    The U.S. media debate has been misleading, but the biggest problem is that the Swedish political establishment doesn’t want to know the answer.




  11. I don’t know who Melly Smuff is.
    I don’t know who Explorer Pants is.
    I have never thought that Explorer Pants is Greg the Explorer.,
    For Greg the Explorer to think that Q thought that he and Explorer Pants were the same person shows and incredible lack of reading comprehension and just simple thought.
    Now I’m worried. If you are the future of the Anglican Church then the ship will sink faster than I thought it would.
    I’m not having a conversation with myself at all.

    There are many topics on this site, and the comment section is still open.
    From homosexuality to bashing of Trump to Islam and then to the general attack on evangelical and charismatic Christianity going over years.
    Yes, years of articles and comments attacking C3, Hillsong, mega churches and many evangelical churches.

    Perhaps some people from some part of the world will come to this site as a result of a search.
    If so, they will be confronted with years of sarcastic viscious attacks and accounts belittling evangelical and fundamentalist churches – and conservative politicians .

    Greg the Priest and Bones the teacher have left hundreds – possibly thousands of comments attacking, smearing various churches and people.

    I’m just giving the other perspective. And responding to the lampooning with lampooning.

    If after a few months you come back and find it funny by or sad is no concern of mine.
    I don’t post here to make myself better. I’m fine!
    I post to put out the truth and counter the years of attacks.

    As for you talking about putting others down.
    You have been involved for years with two websites criticizing mega churches , and then evangelical churches in general. Over years you would tut tut and pile on over a stealing priest or a criminal pastor or whoever you thought you were better than.
    So Greg the Explorer lecturing about people putting others down is like Hitler lecturing Don Rickles for telling Jewish jokes.

    If you do come back and read comments you’ll learn.

    Tear down the site if you like.
    But – Explorer Panrs and Greg the Explorer being the same? Man….. tell your Anglican higher ups that instead of holding meetings over color changes of silly pointy hats they should hold IQ testing for newbie priests.

    I’m often surprised by the total lack of intelligence shown here, but you’ve excelled yourself Gregorita.



  12. Yo do realize that explorerpants isn’t me, don’t you? I only ever post under the name Greg The Explorer – so if you think you’re talking to me – you’re wrong…if you think I’m at all interested in anything you have to say…you’re also wrong. It is amusing to come over here every couple of months to see you having a conversation with yourself about the one thing you know how to comment on – and all the time trying to make yourself feel better about yourself by putting other people down – more sad than funny – but also still very funny


  13. Stock market, employment, consumer confidence, business confidence is up.
    Food stamp participation, unemployment, illegal immigration, sex trafficking is down.

    Any other President and Explorer Pants would be praising him faster than he could say “Yes Mr Weinstein, I’ll do anything you say”

    Explorer Pants. Unable to make one statement backed up by logic or facts.

    Another fat white guy loser hooked on American TV and ice-cream from Down Under.


  14. I suppose you guys would be familiar with Mr Lucas…

    Homophobia in the Muslim world is “becoming very inconvenient for liberals because liberals are apologists for Islam,” Michael Lucas, a gay pornographic film star and director, charged in a radio interview Sunday.
    Lucas slammed liberals for being largely silent amid increasing reports of gay people being persecuted in the Muslim world. And he said that he has noticed a trend in which the left-wing focuses on a specific country’s leadership instead of “political Islam” when attributing blame for anti-gay policies and actions.

    Lucas said he is noticing a trend in which more and more “gays are leaving their base and the party line because the party line is ‘Islam is a good thing. Islam is our friend.’”

    Lucas is the founder and CEO of Lucas Entertainment, New York’s largest gay adult film company and one of the biggest gay porn production companies in the world.


  15. Not sure how that one million was spent !!!!
    Was it necessary?

    But at least not every Anglican Priest is a morally-confused theological crackpot!

    Time to break out that old Book of Common Prayer!

    The updated figures were released as it was revealed the Anglican Church had donated $1 million to support the No vote.

    The donation was confirmed by Archbishop Glenn Davies, who said he would make “no apology” for encouraging all Australians to vote against same sex marriage in the $122 million postal survey.

    “I consider the consequences of removing gender from the marriage construct will have irreparable consequences for our society, for our freedom of speech, our freedom of conscience and freedom of religion,” he said.


  16. So, one 18yr old girl gets fired for saying it’s ok to say no, some idiot head butts Tony Abbot and now two women interrupt a peaceful Marriage rally by jumping on stage and having some lesbian French kissing after telling “burn churches” and “crucify Christians” .

    Bones can’t decide which appeals more. French kissing a man on stage or crucifying Christians.

    More evil from the land down under


  17. Hear the latest news Priest?

    A woman gets fired simply for having “Its ok to vote no” on her Facebook profile photo.

    Racist, bullying at its worst.
    That’s Greg’s Australia.

    Why fired?
    Because voting no is homophobic and announcing it in FB is hate speech.

    If the “yes” crowd win, soon it will be hate speech to explain what a genitalia are for.

    Absolutely insane.
    A girl says it’s okay to vote no and gets fired for being homophobic and saying hate speech.

    On the other hand some homosexual could have a picture of him French kissing another man and saying he’s looking forward to getting home for some anal sex, and Father Gregorita would be moved to tears and invite him to his rectory to discuss giving next weeks homily! Probably even let him wear his collar and silky hat.

    Wake up Australia – before it’s too late!



    This time a boxer who has obviously never experienced God or who has rattled his brains through boxing – Davo Thmith

    “It’s about marriage, and what has marriage got to do with sex?”


    “Now I appreciate, of course, that the relationship between sex and children is not incidental. ”


    “Personally, I think God is a lot less interested than we are in what goes on between consenting adults in the privacy of their bedrooms.”

    Fool! Probably wants to have some male orgies with his other priest friends who like wearing frocks and silly hats.

    This is why the Anglican Church is dying. Stupid priests who don’t open their bibles, don’t pray and don’t know the difference between Jesus and their yoga teacher.

    What an absolute disgrace!

    Sydney Anglicans – either reform your church or get the hell out of that stinking cesspool of bankrupt theology and heretical priests.

    Oh and Father Smith – after that pathetic interview with news.com.au you’ll get some temporary backslaps from the homosexuals, but your church will either even faster.
    Have some integrity and hand in your collar and get a real job.


  19. Looks like the sensible Sydney side of the English Church and the Catholics are voting no.

    THE Catholic Church is ramping up its involvement in the same-sex marriage debate, distributing information for inclusion in bulletins and leaflets urging parishioners to vote No.

    Sydney Archbishop Anthony Fisher sent hundreds of flyers to city churches and published articles available on many church websites encouraging worshippers to volunteer and donate to the Coalition for Marriage.

    “Vote No in the Postal Plebiscite on Marriage,” reads an entry in this weekend’s bulletin at St Anthony of Padua Parish Clovelly. “A change in the marriage law has consequences for freedom of religion, including the ability of individuals to live out their faith in everyday life, for Priests to preach and Catholic schools to teach about marriage, and for faith-based charities to continue to take a pro-marriage stance.”


  20. I need to make an apology – publicly.
    I said many things about the Anglican Church in the past. I did so because I was annoyed with Anglicans attacking other churches here.

    And because I based my impressions on Newcastle Anglicans.

    I’ve been made aware of people like Michael Jensen, from St Mark’s Church in the Sydney suburb of Darling Point.

    There is hope left.

    Go Sydney Anglicans!!!


  21. Look instead of copying and pasting, you fat while liberals can just look on news.com.au.

    Three stories about Islamic terrorism in Australia.

    It never ends .

    2014 convictions, the plane plot,
    And the young guy who stabbed the officers.

    But authorities considered him to be a low threat of launching a knife attack. Haider stabbed the officers days after Islamic State issued a fatwa calling on its supporters to kill Australians.

    The teenager was also upset by recent, widely publicised anti-terror raids in Sydney and Queensland and had made comments about AFP and ASIO officers being “dogs”.


    Wally the Muslim, you can laugh all you like but lots of Aussies are scared.

    Hey – here’s a solution. Stop Queensland kids from mentioning Jesus at lunchtime or exchanging Christmas cards.

    Will that help Muslims not want to blow people up?

    Maybe the Anglicans have some ideas ….


  22. 2

    “The West, by virtue of its unswerving support of US foreign policy, is complicit in the killing of thousands(if. It 10,s of thousands) of innocent people over the past 10 years.”

    The whole west??
    Any country that supported the US in any way?
    What a claim!!
    Every westerner is now a murderer?

    No. I’ve never said every Muslim is complicit in anything.
    I’ve answered the dumbest question posed in religious social media history “Islam – what are we afraid of ?” Right up there with “What danger can that little guy who wrote Mein Kampala be?” and “Japanese? Can they even pilot planes?”

    “In a kind of way I’m impressed with Q’s ability to call Muslims evil,”

    Not all Muslims are currently evil. But bringing more into western countries and changing existing laws and customs to appease them is insane.

    “but what we do to them is just?”
    Well, if the Obama administration was deliberately attacking innocents that should stop.

    Killing terrorists is just.

    If ten innocents are accidentally killed by killing 100 terrorists who if not stopped would have killed 10,000 innocents – to me that is just. Not everyone thinks like that.

    But if a few innocent Germans were killed stopping the Nazis I’d say that’s a tough but good call.

    If a drone strike killed Hitler but also ten bystanders and 3 million Jews were saved. I wouldn’t have gone on and on about the wickedness of the Allies.

    Actually I find your criticism of the military offensive.

    “You are what’s wrong with this world Q,”

    I’ve never bombed, raped, bashed anyone – and you say I’m what’s wrong with the world ? Not Isis? Not North Korea? Not gangs.. but me???

    I assume your posts here weren’t submitted in your deacon application. Hope not.

    So get rid of Q and the world will be at peace?

    Tell that to the FBI, Asio, the guys fighting in Afghanistan. Just attack Q and everything will be okay.

    Incredible . You must have been drunk, high, or just totally consumed with left-wing rage when you concluded that it’s not Isis, terrorism, dictatorship but some guy answering a post on an anti-Christian WordPress site on its death throes.

    “you and your oh so macho, “me against 3 or 4 Muslims”

    Yes. If there were unarmed 3 or 4 Muslim terrorists going to kill your Anglican parishioners I could stop them.

    “innocent women and children your kind of Muslim to fight Q?”

    I have never and never will harm innocent women and children.

    According to Newcastle Anglicans that was the US military under the direction of Obama. Not me.


    What a post!!!


  23. Reposting what was put in moderation


    I’ll assume this post is not representative of Greg’s thinking since ordination. Hopefully this was the “Old Greg” because it’s pretty bad logic.

    “If we’re comparing the killing of innocents as the threshold of evil, if I were a Muslim, and I had a thought pattern like Q’s, I’d be frightened of any westerner moving into my neighborhood.

    I don’t think any Muslim communities are afraid of westerners moving in.
    What are they going to do? Hire a truck and run over people saying “Hail Mary” or “Praise you Jesus”?

    Muslim communities ? In Australia or in Muslim countries??
    If in Muslim countries the few Westerners will be tightly controlled. No evangelism allowed. Do research on civil and religious liberties in Muslim run countries.

    “Numerous reports during the Obama Administration––including at least one by a former drone pilot––describe a pattern in which a missile fired from a U.S. drone hits an area, bystanders rush to the scene to help the wounded, and the drone, still overhead, kills the rescuers. On other occasions, drones have struck at funerals of drone-strike victims. ”

    So Greg thinks the Obama administration purposely murdered innocent Muslims with drones?
    Yes or no?
    If “yes”, than isn’t it great that murdering beast is out of power. And isn’t it great that the civilian killer Obama wasn’t replaced with Hillary who promised to continue his policies.

    If “no” – then how can you in heaven’s name equate the ACCIDENTAL killing of innocents in the pursuit of terrorists plotting further atrocities with the DElIBERATE targeting of civilians for murder and maiming??
    Seriously? Which is it. Yes or no?


  24. I’ll assume this post is not representative of Greg’s thinking since ordination. Hopefully this was the “Old Greg” because it’s pretty bad logic.

    “If we’re comparing the killing of innocents as the threshold of evil, if I were a Muslim, and I had a thought pattern like Q’s, I’d be frightened of any westerner moving into my neighborhood.

    I don’t think any Muslim communities are afraid of westerners moving in.
    What are they going to do? Hire a truck and run over people saying “Hail Mary” or “Praise you Jesus”?

    Muslim communities ? In Australia or in Muslim countries??
    If in Muslim countries the few Westerners will be tightly controlled. No evangelism allowed. Do research on civil and religious liberties in Muslim run countries.

    “Numerous reports during the Obama Administration––including at least one by a former drone pilot––describe a pattern in which a missile fired from a U.S. drone hits an area, bystanders rush to the scene to help the wounded, and the drone, still overhead, kills the rescuers. On other occasions, drones have struck at funerals of drone-strike victims. ”

    So Greg thinks the Obama administration purposely murdered innocent Muslims with drones?
    Yes or no?
    If “yes”, than isn’t it great that murdering beast is out of power. And isn’t it great that the civilian killer Obama wasn’t replaced with Hillary who promised to continue his policies.

    If “no” – then how can you in heaven’s name equate the ACCIDENTAL killing of innocents in the pursuit of terrorists plotting further atrocities with the DElIBERATE targeting of civilians for murder and maiming??
    Seriously? Which is it. Yes or no?

    “The West, by virtue of its unswerving support of US foreign policy, is complicit in the killing of thousands(if. It 10,s of thousands) of innocent people over the past 10 years.”

    The whole west??
    Any country that supported the US in any way?
    What a claim!!
    Every westerner is now a murderer?

    No. I’ve never said every Muslim is complicit in anything.
    I’ve answered the dumbest question posed in religious social media history “Islam – what are we afraid of ?” Right up there with “What danger can that little guy who wrote Mein Kampala be?” and “Japanese? Can they even pilot planes?”

    “In a kind of way I’m impressed with Q’s ability to call Muslims evil,”

    Not all Muslims are currently evil. But bringing more into western countries and changing existing laws and customs to appease them is insane.

    “but what we do to them is just?”
    Well, if the Obama administration was deliberately attacking innocents that should stop.

    Killing terrorists is just.

    If ten innocents are accidentally killed by killing 100 terrorists who if not stopped would have killed 10,000 innocents – to me that is just. Not everyone thinks like that.

    But if a few innocent Germans were killed stopping the Nazis I’d say that’s a tough but good call.

    If a drone strike killed Hitler but also ten bystanders and 3 million Jews, I wouldn’t have gone on and on about the wickedness of the Allies.

    Actually I find your criticism of the military offensive.

    “You are what’s wrong with this world Q,”

    I’ve never bombed, raped, bashed anyone – and you say I’m what’s wrong with the world ? Not Isis? Not North Korea? Not gangs.. but me???

    I assume your posts here weren’t submitted in your deacon application. Hope not.

    So get rid of Q and the world will be at peace?

    Tell that to the FBI, Asio, the guys fighting in Afghanistan. Just attack Q and everything will be okay.

    Incredible . You must have been drunk, high, or just totally consumed with left-wing rage when you concluded that it’s not Isis, terrorism, dictatorship but some guy answering a post on an anti-Christian WordPress site on its death throes.

    “you and your oh so macho, “me against 3 or 4 Muslims”

    Yes. If there were unarmed 3 or 4 Muslim terrorists going to kill your Anglican parishioners I could stop them.

    “innocent women and children your kind of Muslim to fight Q?”

    I have never and never will harm innocent women and children.

    According to Newcastle Anglicans that was the US military under the direction of Obama. Not me.


    What a post!!!


  25. An American copy kills an Australian. Should Australians seek revenge by killing as many America tourists as possible?

    Fuck America.


  26. “One of the terrorists – Butt – helped as an assistant at the all-Muslim gym Ummah Fitness which is where they are seen meeting in the images.
    The gym is run by Sajeel Shahid, 41, who was part of hate preacher Choudary’s network which allegedly helped set up weapons training in Pakistan for the 7/7 murderers.”


    An “All- Muslim Gym”???

    I guess it would be “anti-Muslim” of me to even dare to ask what the hell an all-Muslim gym is….

    So…. only Muslims allowed??
    Is that ok?
    No women?

    That’s allowed??? Father Gregorita? It’s okay to have an all-Muslim gym????

    Let me think? Men-only gym? Probably not allowed.
    All-Christian gym?? There’d be an article here about that which Gregorita would have already preached against.

    Oh wait. I got it.
    It’s not really an all-Muslim gym after all. Because not matter how Muslim it seemed there were three extremists who worked out there so .. it’s not really Muslim at all.

    Nothing to worry about.
    And even if you as a Buddhist went there in secret, there’d be more chance of lightning coming through the window and zapping your traps in the Smith machine than getting killed by extremists.

    Right Father Greg?

    So, let’s bring in more Religionists of Peace.

    Islamic All-Muslim gyms – what are we afraid of?


  27. Oh – one last thing.
    Go see Wonder Woman .
    The lead is a super hit Israeli Babe!!
    Former Miss Israel!

    Maybe she doesn’t do anything for the homosexuals here , but trust me – for heteros she’s hot!

    Can’t watch it in Lebanon though…
    Nope. Maybe they need to hear that Kuwaiti song .

    Nope that won’t work either.

    Just too much hate in those peaceful Muslim countries.
    And with that last roundhouse kick, another Newcastle Anglican Priest is down for the count.


  28. UK Survey results.

    1. Two out of three Muslims would not give information if they knew details about a terror plot involving family or friends.
    2. over 50 percent of Muslims think homosexuality should be illegal.
    3. 23 percent of Muslims want Sharia law to become the dominant legal system in the country.
    4. 31 percent are completely comfortable with one man having multiple wives.

    Trevor Phillips, (who popularized the term “islamophobia”) former chairman of the Equality and Human Rights Commission, said survey results showed

    “the unacknowledged creation of a nation within the nation, with its own geography, its own values and its own very separate future.”

    “For a long time, I too thought that Europe’s Muslims would become like previous waves of migrants, gradually abandoning their ancestral ways, wearing their religious and cultural baggage lightly, and gradually blending into Britain’s diverse identity landscape.

    Liberal opinion in Britain has, for more than two decades, maintained that most Muslims are just like everyone else… But thanks to the most detailed and comprehensive survey of British Muslim opinion yet conducted, we now know that just isn’t how it is.”

    Trevor Phillips admitted he was wrong. How long will it take Australian Anglican priests?

    You don’t read anything do you Greg?
    You don’t answer any specifics.

    An official statement condemning terrorism means everything is okay.

    You seriously think I am saying the Imam of a mosque in Manchester would make an official statement praising it?

    Actually one guy used to for years before they finally put him in jail.


  29. Greg’s answer to everything I have posted is that the Manchester mosque isn’t doing a funeral ?

    That’s it?

    So that means there is no problem with increasing Muslim immigration?

    Don’t worry folks every time a Muslim stabs, rapes, bombs or beheads you, they will not get a funeral and you’ll get a taxi ride.

    No problem.

    Anglican Priest? That’s it?

    That’s your solution?


  30. Question for St Wazza (reds under the bed) the Martyr.

    If you are so scared of the Russians weren’t you worried about Bill Clinton getting paid huge amounts by them , them donating to the Clinton Foundation and Selling them so much uranium?

    This sudden hatred of the Russians by liberals who loved them for decades is ….. really funny!

    Loved seeing that republican win. Especially after he body slammed some idiot reporter!
    Just wish there was a video.

    You guys – are losing .

    Throw everything you can at Trump, and you’re still losing.

    Love it!


  31. innocents as the threshold of evil, if I were a Muslim, and I had a thought pattern like Q’s, I’d be frightened of any westerner moving into my neighborhood.




    No that seems just the point. Muslims want to come into white western Christian neighborhoods . Because they DONT fear us.
    They know in a few years they have everything they want.,

    You just don’t get it do you.

    But Greg – you Abdul your liberal celebrities would NEVER go live with Muslims.

    Unless you had huge walls around your house and security with guns.

    (See what I did there?)


  32. Hey Gregorita and St Wazza the Martyr
    The poor people of Marawi in the the Phillipines are in trouble.

    Wazza could you send them some messages about the joys of martyrdom and Greg, could you get some of your Muslim taxi driver friends to send some free vouchers or something.

    The white liberal male … totally useless…

    Anyway, why am I talking . You guys are probably more outraged that Margaret Court isn’t in jail.

    Maybe you want to rename the stadium Blessed Martyrs of Allah Arena?

    Lgbtqixyz Stadium ?


  33. Once again, Greg has foolishly misunderstood . Or not read everything I have said.

    I’ve never said all Muslims are evil.
    I said the more Muslims in a country the more chance of violence and terrorism there is.

    If you want to blame all the Islamic terrorism in the different countries if the world on the fact that the United States dropped bombs in Muslim countries , then I don’t think you have read much about history or politics.

    Me against 3 or 4?

    I would never fight against women or children.
    Wazza tried to mock me for being afraid.

    I answered that I’m not personally afraid of Muslims.

    If some Muslim thugs cane after me I reckon I could take a few down.

    So – Manchester, Indonesia , and Marawi.

    So you think the Muslims killing there is because of Americans????

    So I think you need to take Wazza and protest outside Mr Obama’s house and ask him to apologize for all the bombs he dropped in Muslim countries.
    Go ahead. He dropped a lot in 8 years.
    Want the stats?

    Do you???

    While we’re on stats,…

    Here she your homework.
    If another 100 Muslims enter England, how many would be willing to be a suicide bomber, how many would sympathize, how many would report suspected suicide bomber to police.

    Answer that Gregorita, and I’ll give you a simple conclusion based on the stats.

    No, I’m not the problem. IM perfectly friendly to the nice mudlims ive met.

    Probably talked to more than you have.

    Bye thank God you or a Wazza aren’t President.

    A republican just won another election -lll



  34. If we’re comparing the killing of innocents as the threshold of evil, if I were a Muslim, and I had a thought pattern like Q’s, I’d be frightened of any westerner moving into my neighborhood.

    Numerous reports during the Obama Administration––including at least one by a former drone pilot––describe a pattern in which a missile fired from a U.S. drone hits an area, bystanders rush to the scene to help the wounded, and the drone, still overhead, kills the rescuers. On other occasions, drones have struck at funerals of drone-strike victims. It is hard to believe the threshold of “near certainty” is crossed in either kind of strike. Credible reports of civilian casualties are common.

    The West, by virtue of its unswerving support of US foreign policy, is complicit in the killing of thousands(if. It 10,s of thousands) of innocent people over the past 10 years. In a kind of way I’m impressed with Q’s ability to call Muslims evil, but what we do to them is just?

    You are what’s wrong with this world Q, you and your oh so macho, “me against 3 or 4 Muslims”….innocent women and children your kind of Muslim to fight Q?


  35. And – he doesn’t need to be stopped.,

    Business confidence is skyrocketing.

    Comey SHOULD have been fired (sooner or later)

    Trump stopped the Syrians from using chemical weapons (old Bernie wouldn’t have done anything and Hillary would have bombed EVERY airfield)

    He will solve the North Korea problem that Clinton worsened dramatically and useless Obama was powerless to stop.

    Illegal crossings of the border are down.

    Hundreds of sex traffickers have been arrested.

    I could go on.

    There’s is only one problem – bleating snowflakes who didn’t watch what Obama did and who are instant experts with absolutely no idea of politics or law.,


  36. Not a safety hazard.

    But probably people who don’t wear one will end up being bullied.

    Great marketing plan though.
    Like “marriage equality” and the use of the rainbow.

    Most people are unaware of the brainwashing.
    But kudos to them. If church leaders had half the marketing savvy of gays, things would be completely different.


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